The car you drive, the sink you use, and the fireplace you warm up by all have a similarity. These are all serviceable items, meaning maintenance is important. Clearing up this first point, YES you should have your chimney swept, just like your car should have its oil changed and your sinks plumbing cleaned up.
How Often Should I Sweep My Chimney?
Chimney Sweep
So to answer the question, how often should I sweep my chimney? The short answer is a recommendation to have your chimney swept annually (once a year). In heavier use, going to a twice a year clean is highly recommended. I know how often I should sweep my chimney, but what is being cleaned in my chimney? A chimney sweep targets creosote buildup, generally with the use of rotary tools spinning a brush through the chimney liners. Creosote has three stages and when a chimney sweep provides an annual cleaning, they are able to target creosote at its stage 1 form. This is important, as stage 1 creosote, or soot, is in a powdery form and very easily brushed away. Essentially, an annual cleaning is a proactive process.
Looking for a free estimate on your masonry issues in Chicago or surrounding suburbs, call Coast to Coast Masonry today at 847-438-9165!
Sweeping Cont.
Being proactive is important. I would rather workout and stay in good shape than become overweight, have side effects from that, and also have to work to get back in shape. Similarly, cleaning annually will maintain your chimney in good shape. If you wait for a reactive fix, you may have irreversible conditions that lead to a costly fix. These potential irreversible conditions include the late stages of creosote. In this next article we discuss the late stages, stage 2 and stage 3 creosote.
Local Chicago Masonry Experts
At CTC, we repair, restore, protect, and preserve masonry including brick, stone, or even a chimney crown. Whether it is failing mortar, masonry issues, or a stainless steel chimney liner installation our expert masons are here to help. We use the latest masonry technology techniques to restore brick and protect your home.
We at CTC Masonry are the complete solution to your masonry needs and making your chimney last longer. We highly value our clients and seek to gain their confidence by offering the highest level of customized chimney tuckpointing services and masonry products at a competitive price.
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